Dean Keith Simonton Free Pdf Download
Dr. Simonton is a Distinguished Professor and Vice Chair for the Department of Psychology at UC, Davis. He has published numerous books, and over 300 book chapters, encyclopedic entries, and journal articles. Dr. Simonton has received several awards, including the William James Book Award, Society for General Psychology,Division 1-American Psychological Association (APA, 2000), Theoretical Innovation Prize, Society for Personality and Social Psychology,Division 8- APA (2004), the Rudolf Arnheim Award for Outstanding Achievement in Psychology and the Arts, Society for the Psychology of Aesthetics, Creativity and the Arts,Division 10-APA ( 1996) Sir Francis Galton Award for Outstanding Contributions to the Study of Creativity, International Association of Empirical Aesthetics ( IAEA, 1996); and the Award for Excellence in Research, Mensa Education and Research Foundation (1986). He was the Editor of Journal of Creative Behavior, has been a Guest Editor for Leadership Quarterly and Review of General Psychology and is also on several editorial boards.
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A Reflective Conversation with Dean Keith
Dean Keith Simonton
University of California, Davis
(interviewed on behalf of NAJP by)
Tammy Lynne Moore
Michael F. Shaughnessy
Eastern New Mexico University
Dr. Simonton is a Distinguished Professor and Vice Chair for the
Department of Psychology at UC, Davis. He has published numerous
books, and over 300 book chapters, encyclopedic entries, and journal
articles. Dr. Simonton has received several awards, including the William
James Book Award, Society for General Psychology, Division 1 –
American Psychological Association (APA, 2000), Theoretical
Innovation Prize, Society for Personality and Social Psychology,
Division 8 - APA (2004), the Rudolf Arnheim Award for Outstanding
Achievement in Psychology and the Arts, Society for the Psychology of
Aesthetics, Creativity and the Arts, Division 10 - APA (1996); Sir
Francis Galton Award for Outstanding Contributions to the Study of
Creativity, International Association of Empirical Aesthetics (IAEA,
1996); and the Award for Excellence in Research , Mensa Education and
Research Foundation (1986). He was the Editor of Journal of Creative
Behavior, has been a Guest Editor for Leadership Quarterly and Review
of General Psychology, and is also on several editorial boards.
NAJP: What are you currently working on, writing, or researching?
DKS: I typically work on several different projects all at once. They vary
in their stages of completion, the degree of ambition they represent, and,
of course, the specific subject matter. A partial list would have to include
empirical studies of famous film composers, distinguished women
psychologists, eminent African Americans, and illustrious military
leaders. In addition, I have several book projects in various stages of
research, organization, and writing. These range from an overview of
cinematic creativity and aesthetics to a broad integration of what we
know about the psychology of civilization.
Author info: Correspondence should be sent to: Dr. Michael Shaughnessy, Dept.
of Psychology, Eastern New Mexico University, Portales, NM 88130.
North American Journal of Psychology, 2008, Vol. 10, No. 3, 595-602.
NAJP: How did you first get started or involved in this field?
DKS: It actually started when I was in elementary school. I'm not
joking! My family bought a set of the World Book Encyclopedia because
they were assured by the salesperson – my school teacher – that they
would be essential as I moved through K-12. The volumes are full of
photographs of strange people with odd costumes and funny hair styles.
I also noticed that no member of my family had a photo in any of the
volumes. So as a little kid I wondered what was required to have one's
picture so honored. I eventually came to realize that most of the portraits
were of individuals who made a name for themselves by some
exceptional achievement. Most often they were either outstanding
creators or famous (or infamous) leaders. But not until I became a
psychology major did I realize that researchers actually studied the
factors underlying creativity and leadership. And it was not until graduate
school that I figured out a scientific approach – historiometry – to
comprehend the geniuses of history.
NAJP: What do you mean exactly by the term "historiometric inquiry"?
DKS: Historiometry was a term first invented at the beginning of the
twentieth century to refer to the application of scientific methods to
historical and biographical data to test hypotheses about the nature of
genius. In a sense, it's like psychometrics, only the methods are applied
to historic figures rather than contemporary research participants. The
typical historiometric study collects a large sample of eminent achievers
in a particular domain, assesses those individuals on quantifiable
variables – intelligence, personality, motivation, developmental
experiences, personal development, social context, etc. – and then
subjects those measures to statistical analyses. Interestingly,
historiometry is the earliest scientific approach to the study of genius –
earlier than experiments, surveys, interviews, and psychometric tests.
The first historiometric inquiry was published in 1835 by the same
scientist who gave us the normal distribution. In 1869 Francis Galton
published the first well-known historiometric investigation, Hereditary
NAJP: Why study the socio-cultural context of the psychology of
DKS: I'm sure you meant to ask "Why study the socio-cultural context
in the psychology of science?" If so, you must remember that I was
originally trained in social psychology. That's the subject in which I got
Simonton, Moore & Shaughnessy INTERVIEW 597
my doctoral degree. My dissertation had the title of the "social
psychology of creativity." Creativity is not just an individual
phenomenon. It occurs in a specific social context – the cultural,
political, military, and economic milieu. Without taking these
circumstances into account, it would be impossible to explain why some
times and places are more creative than others. Why the Golden Age of
Greece and the Dark Ages of Western Europe? Did everybody in
Western Civilization become genetically inferior? Or were there
conditions in ancient Greece that favored creative activity whereas
different conditions in Medieval Europe discouraged creative activity?
NAJP: Personality and Individual Differences. Why is it important that
we look at these factors when studying scientific genius?
DKS: Or any kind of genius? Genius of any kind is correlated with
specific dispositional variables, and different kinds of genius exhibit
distinctive personality profiles. For instance, creators tend to display
higher rates of psychopathology than do leaders, and within creators the
artists tend to display higher rates than do the scientists. The distinctions
can be drawn still more. Scientists in the paradigmatic disciplines like
physics tend to display lower rates of psychopathology than do those in
the non-paradigmatic disciplines like psychology. In general, the more
constraints on the genius in a particular domain, the lower the rate of
psychopathology. The same principle applies to other variables, such as
openness to experience.
NAJP: Personality vs. motivation - Which is the most important set of
variables in the long run? Or is it I.Q. or something else?
DKS: I don't think it's reasonable at this point in the game to specify
which is "the most important set of variables in the long run." Creative
genius is far too complex and our understanding far too simplistic to
make confident proclamations. Intelligence is crucial. Motivation is
crucial. Without either, there is nothing.
NAJP: What are some developmental antecedents (family background,
role models, formal vs. informal education) that contribute to scientific
DKS: To answer this question we first have to recognize that the role of
developmental antecedents depends on the type of science in which the
genius is engaged. As I just mentioned earlier, we can distinguish
between paradigmatic and non-paradigmatic sciences, and in the case of
the former we can distinguish between revolutionary and normal
paradigmatic scientists. In addition, we have to recognize that
developmental factors can be arrayed along a dimension from
conventional, homogeneous, and stable, to unconventional,
heterogeneous, and unstable. At the former end are placed those who are
firstborns from professional families, whose parents are similar in
religious and ethnic origins, whose family life is very uneventful, who do
very well in school and college, and who study under a single eminent
mentor. At the latter end are placed later-borns whose parents are less
well educated and originate from more divergent religious and ethnic
backgrounds, whose family life is often disrupted by economic ups and
downs, by parental loss, or some other unstabilizing event, who do less
well in school and college, and who study under multiple and diverse
mentors. Normal paradigmatic scientists fall on the conventional,
homogeneous, and stable end of this dimension, while non-paradigmatic
scientists fall on the unconventional, heterogeneous, and unstable end.
Revolutionary paradigmatic scientists fall between these extremes.
NAJP: What are the two main characteristics related to scientific genius?
DKS: This question is more complicated than first meets the eye.
Scientific genius shares with all forms two main characteristics: intellect
and drive. That is, intelligence and motivation are crucial to success in
almost all domains of exceptional achievement, whether creativity or
leadership. However, creators differ from leaders in the specific nature
of these characteristics. The intellect of creators concentrates on
imagination, that is, the capacity to come up with new ideas, whereas that
of leaders tends to be more pragmatic and social. Similarly the drive of
creators tends to be more introverted, personal, and idiosyncratic,
whereas that of leaders tends to be more extraverted, social, and
conventional. Creative genius in the sciences, however, differs from that
in the arts two ways: (a) imagination is more restrained by logic and fact
and (b) the drive is a bit less personal and idiosyncratic, conforming a bit
more to social conventions. See! You ask a simple question and you get a
complex answer!
NAJP: In your book "Genius, Creativity and Leadership " (Simonton,
1984) you juxtapose personality and character, aesthetics and charisma
and productivity and influence. Why did you choose these specific
elements to examine?
DKS: The two most interesting parts of this question are the last two. I'll
start with productivity and influence. I argue in the book that the single
Simonton, Moore & Shaughnessy INTERVIEW 599
most important predictor of a creator's long-term influence is his or her
total lifetime output. I give the example of how a scientist's total output
predicts whether or not that person will have an entry in a major
encyclopedia. The connection between aesthetics and charisma is even
more interesting. Aesthetics is connected with creativity, charisma with
leadership. Yet these two sets of phenomena are themselves connected.
In a sense, charisma may be considered an aesthetic experience
associated with leaders. More recent research supports this idea. For
example, the speeches delivered by charismatic US presidents tend to
have a style similar to highly successful poetry.
NAJP: What are some "individual differences" in greatness?
DKS: This question is actually two. The first concerns different ways of
attaining greatness, the second concerns the individual differences that
correlate with the former. For example, creators attain greatness
differently than do leaders or athletes or entertainers, but for creators
there will be certain cognitive and dispositional traits that correlate with
achieved eminence – such as imagination, independence, motivation, etc.
On occasion factors that positively predict one type of greatness will be
negative predictors of another type. For instance, creators tend to be very
introverted, but leaders tend to be very extraverted.
NAJP: What are some longitudinal changes in creativity? In greatness?
DKS: In most of my research I have measured creativity in terms of
productivity – counting either total works or high-impact works. If you
tabulate output across time in consecutive age periods, you obtain a
single-peaked curve. Productivity increases rapidly up to a peak and then
gradually declines. The details of this peak vary according to the
particular domain of creativity. Sometimes the peak occurs earlier, other
times late. Sometimes the decline is steep, other times not.
Now greatness is another matter. It tends to increase over time. That
is, as the creator accumulates more high-impact works, his or her
"greatness" or "eminence" increases. However, the increase is not a
linear function of age. After the career peak, new high-impact works are
added to the cumulative total at a decreasing rate. Creators may even
reach a point where "their best work is behind them" and their
posthumous reputation is not affected by any additional output.
NAJP: What are some personal characteristics that contribute to
greatness as a psychologist?
DKS: This question is also complex because we have to distinguish
among different kinds of great psychologists. First and most obviously,
we have to separate scientists from practitioners. We know a lot more
about the former than the latter. And great scientists in psychology have
pretty much the same characteristics as notable scientists in other
disciplines. However, this last statement must be qualified because there
are two major kinds of scientific psychologists. One views psychology as
a natural science whereas the other views psychology as a human
science. Psychologists in the former group are most similar to physicists,
chemists, and biologists, whereas those in the latter group are most
similar to scholars in the humanities and some social sciences. For
instance, the two groups differ in openness to experience, complexity of
thinking, and tolerance of ambiguity.
NAJP: In terms of the life span development of great psychologists,
why did you focus on family background, career training, and
nature/nurture issues?
DKS: The first two are the topics that have attracted the most research,
and the third represents the most important theoretical issue in
interpreting the results of this research. It was Francis Galton who, in
1874, first studied the role of family background (e.g., birth order,
socioeconomic class) and career training (i.e., education) in the origins of
great scientists, and it was he who first introduced the nature-nurture
issue as the fundamental question in understanding these relationships.
NAJP: The specific combination of various factors seems to be
imperative in producing "genius." How do you deal with the various
permutations and combinations that are "out there" in the real world?
DKS: I don't quite understand what you want to be addressed. I can say
that it takes a distinctive confluence of events and circumstances to
produce geniuses of the highest order. That's why they are so rare.
Moreover, two different combinations of forces have to come together.
The first involve the general set of factors that are common to all
geniuses – their intelligence, imagination, motivation, determination, etc.
The second concern the specific set of factors that make each individual
genius unique – truly sui generis . The top-level geniuses always have
something that sets them apart from their colleagues. Einstein didn't just
do better science than most theoretical physicists of his day. He also did
different science – science that was characteristic of his personality.
Indeed, sometimes the second aspect of genius gets in the way of the first
aspect. Einstein's worldview allowed him to launch one of the most
Simonton, Moore & Shaughnessy INTERVIEW 601
important revolutions in the history of science (relativity). But that same
worldview prevented him from accepting another of the most important
revolutions of his time (quantum theory). A virtue was also a vice. The
failed unified field theory was the monument to his failure.
NAJP: Why use Monte Carlo simulations and what are their
weaknesses? Are there other options for the study of genius?
DKS: I've used Monte Carlo simulations rarely, but they do have some
advantages over all alternative techniques – historiometrics,
psychometrics, case-studies, psychobiography, etc. In particular, they are
useful when you want to test a probability model that is too complex to
formulate in mathematical terms. For instance, I used this strategy to
understanding the complexities of the multiples phenomenon. This is
where two individuals come up with the same discovery or invention
independently of each other. Classic examples include the calculus, the
theory of evolution by natural selection, Mendelian genetics, and the
telephone. It turns out that this phenomenon is far too complex to
comprehend using even the most sophisticated stochastic models. So
instead I simulated the phenomenon using a random number generator. I
was able to show that all of the key features of multiples could be
explained in terms of chance. Contrary to what many had argued,
multiples cannot be taken as evidence for socio-cultural determinism.
NAJP: What exactly is "chance configuration theory"?
DKS: It's the term I used back in the late 1980s to describe my version
of Donald Campbell's (1960) blind-variation and selective-retention
theory of the creativity process. In essence, ideas were subjected to quasi-
random combinations until a stable "configuration" emerged. In more
recent work I have dropped this terminology because it has caused all
sorts of misinterpretations about the fundamental nature of the theory. In
that respect, the term is obsolete. Yet it has managed to survive in the
literature without any effort on my part to promote it. That's probably
because it captures an important concept about the creativity process.
Simonton, D.K. (1984) Genius, creativity and leadership . Cambridge, MA:
Harvard University Press.
Simonton, D.K. (1999). Origin of genius: Darwinian perspectives on creativity.
New York: Oxford University Press.
Simonton, D.K. (2002). Great psychologists and their times: Scientific insights
into psychology's history. Washington, D.C.,American Psychological
Simonton, D.K. (2004). Creativity in science: Chance, logic, genius and zeitgeist .
Cambridge, England, Cambridge University Press.
The study was aimed to explore the differences in personality and social skills in humanities and exact sciences students. The research sample consisted of 93 psychology students and 80 applied mathematics and informatics students who were administrated the Czech version of the NEO Personality Inventory (NEO-FFI) and the Czech translation of the Social Skills Inventory (SSI). The results suggest that the psychology students are more open to new experiences and less neurotic than the mathematics and informatics students. The psychology students scored significantly higher on the emotional sensitivity and social control scales, and on the total scales of the emotional and social skills. The mathematics and informatics students were significantly higher on the social sensitivity scale. The significant gender differences were also found, women scored higher than men especially on sensitivity and emotional expressivity. The Czech translation of the Social Skills Inventory appears to be a useful research method.
This book comprehensively compiles research on the factors that contribute to a psychologist having a high impact on the discipline. Simonton examines those individuals who have contributed most tot he advancement of psychological science. Moreover, these notables are examined from a scientific perspective--especially from the standpoint of the psychology of science. The book integrates all of the relevant research on the psychology of eminent psychologists, from the pioneering work of Francis Galton to work published in the 21st century. Chapters contain examples drawn from the lives and careers of notable psychologists, examining such issues as birth order, intellectual precocity, mentoring, psychopathology, worldview, and aging. Of particular interest are chapters exploring what aspects of the sociocultural context are most conductive to the emergence of illustrious psychologists and how these sociocultural conditions--including political events, economic disturbances, or cultural values--affect not only the magnitude of achievement but also the very nature of that achievement. The findings reviewed lead to suggestions about how best to educate and train both undergraduate psychology majors and graduate students in psychology. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2012 APA, all rights reserved)
This article assesses and extends Campbell's (1960) classic theory that creativity and discovery depend on blind variation and selective retention (BVSR), with special attention given to blind variations (BVs). The treatment begins by defining creativity and discovery, variant blindness versus sightedness, variant utility and selection, and ideational variants versus creative products. These definitions lead to BV identification criteria: (a) intended BV, which entails both systematic and stochastic combinatorial procedures; and (b) implied BV, which involves both variations with properties of blindness (variation superfluity and backtracking) and processes that should yield variant blindness (associative richness, defocused attention, behavioral tinkering, and heuristic search). These conceptual definitions and identification criteria then have implications for four persistent issues, namely, domain expertise, ideational randomness, analogical equivalence, and personal volition. Once BV is suitably conceptualized, Camp-bell's theory continues to provide a fruitful approach to the understanding of both creativity and discovery.
Creativity in science: Chance, logic, genius and zeitgeist
- D K Simonton
Simonton, D.K. (2004). Creativity in science: Chance, logic, genius and zeitgeist. Cambridge, England, Cambridge University Press.
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